June 5, 2024

15 Traits of truly Happy People.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


I’ve always thought that happiness is elusive.

I’ve crossed oceans and continents to find it. And although I have found it many times, keeping it has proven difficult.

If we come to think about it, trying to keep something that’s not actually visible is hard. And the invisible is always what we seek most.

We seek happiness because it feels so damn right. Things that draw a smile on our face or bring laughter into our hearts are precious and irreplaceable. And though happiness is addictive, the not-so-great news is that we don’t always know how to attain it.

We have associated happiness with physical objects, unaccomplished dreams, and impermanent people. In other words, our happiness is greatly tied to everything that’s fleeting. That’s why it is in a constant state of fluctuation.

I’m still learning and discovering what defines true, abiding happiness, but for now at least, I know (and I’m sure) that it’s an inside job.

We can still enjoy the beautiful things that bring us happiness, but we shouldn’t expect them to last or to bring us permanent satisfaction.

I’ve met many people on my spiritual path who are truly happy and aren’t attached to permanent satisfaction. No matter what life throws at them, they know how to mindfully respond. They know that happiness goes beyond emotions. It is not even tied to a certain degree of sadness or fulfillment.

They know that happiness is about perspective. You define what makes you happy and you evaluate your good and bad days. How well you do that is really up to you.

We have so much to learn from truly happy people. They’re the ones who always emanate positive energy even if they’re having a bad day. You know who they are and you appreciate them because their happiness is contagious.

Here are traits that make them so special:

1. When they hit a roadblock, they don’t stop.

2. Other people’s opinions don’t impact their life.

3. They keep going.

4. They don’t feel sorry for themselves.

5. They’re grateful, no matter what.

6. They’re hopeful about the future.

7. They overcome challenges calmly and mindfully.

8. They look for the silver lining, especially in the worst of times.

9. They keep things in perspective.

10. They’re gentle with themselves.

11. Unfavorable situations don’t put them down.

12. They find something to laugh about.

13. They’re committed to their inner work.

14. They’re comfortable with unpredictability and change.

15. They’re resilient.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Kyrra Macdonald/Pexels