July 5, 2015

How our Brains wish we looked. Before & After: Photos.


I do this Before & After every morning in front of the bathroom mirror. Our task is to make friends with the Before.

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Brain Readings May Reveal Our Ideal Faces”

There is so much to learn about ourselves.

Via: “…the Original/Ideal project. Using a device that can read brain activity, the project’s creator, photographer Scott Chasserot, was able to show people as their ideal selves. Now, Chasserot has launched a crowdfunding campaign to take it on the road — meaning this is your chance to get your own version.

To create the images, Chasserot first takes portraits of each subject. Then, he creates a separate series of images from the original photo in which each participant’s photo is altered slightly, feature by feature. From there, the subject is shown each picture in the new series while wearing a brain-monitoring electroencephalogram (EEG) device…”…for the rest, click here.

Original Ideal from Scott Chasserot on Vimeo.

“These Brain Activity Readings Reveal Your Ideal Face.”

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