April 27, 2016

I Read My Horoscope Today & There Was an (Unexpected) Inspiring Message for Everyone.


“There are seasons to our lives and painful times never last.” ~ Robin Sharma

I’m not the type of person who constantly reads their horoscope.

To be honest, I used to read it routinely more than three years ago. Apparently, I had a horoscope application that I installed around that time (which I was absolutely oblivious to until today).

Today, as I was clearing apps from my smartphone, I stumbled upon it again. Just for fun, I actually opened my horoscope and I found the most inspiring words of all:

It may seem that in your life nothing is working out. You have tried and tried and tried again, each time putting your best foot forward, thinking positive, and doing everything right, and yet it seems like the universe is against you. Actually, the opposite is true. Each so-called failure has been a blessing in disguise, and has served as a placeholder to ensure that everything aligns properly when the time is right. You will see that everything falls into place.

I was awestruck by these words, which I firmly believe stand true to each one of us.

Sadly, we constantly believe that nothing is working out. No matter how perfect things may go in our life, we consider at least one area—be it romance, business, family affairs or personal issues—to be inflicted with pain and “a challenge” that just seems to never go our way.

Personally, sometimes I do think that the universe is against me.

It is sad that I—like many others—forget the problems and failures in my life that are actually blessings in disguise. Somehow, I tend to forget the lotuses that sprang out of the mud in my own past.

Really, when I think back, all the mud was only present as long as it needed to be, long enough to teach me the lesson(s) I needed to receive. Whenever I was ready to step out of suffering, I would instantly see the lotus emerging from the mud that was present in my life. And every time I did, I understood why there was mud in the first place, because you know what they say, “no mud, no lotus.”

If only I can remember this, then I will definitely remember how obstacles in our lives fall into place at just the right time. I would believe then, that sometimes our wishes aren’t always in tune with the universe but this doesn’t mean they aren’t heard. Whatever is meant to be and whatever we wish for, will happen but on its own time and not on ours. Our clock is slightly different from the universe’s. We must only use ours for daily purposes and affairs. However, the clock we should pour our faith into is the one of the universe.

It is the only clock that holds our future, hopes and wishes.

I believe everyone should adopt this way of thinking because it will help us ease our suffering. To believe that problems are blessings in disguise is a straight way of silently whispering to the universe, “I trust you.”

Also, I believe it is another way of respecting and appreciating both cycles of life, the good and the bad because without failure, there simply wouldn’t be success.

Let’s believe in time, let’s believe in the universe. Let’s believe that our life is a puzzle that will be completed without our control. Let’s forget the missing pieces because indeed, every piece will fall into place.


Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Image: followtheseinstructions/Flickr

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