January 12, 2017

The Delicious Sandwich you’ll Never get Tired of—with Green Goddess Mayo. {Vegan}


Sandwiches can be boring, right?

Well same old, same old is not for us, darlings!

This particular creation has been rumbling around in my stratosphere for years, from my early vegan days when I first saw Deborah Madison’s version of it in The Savory Way, to discovering further variations of it in hip restaurants, to seeing my daughters resurrecting it in their own kitchens with a spicy twist.

Essentially, it is a vegan concoction (with vegetarian options) of fresh, possibly local and organic ingredients, and maybe even ones from your own garden or window box.

It’s easy. It’s fun. It’s delicious! Even your non-vegan friends will love it.

All you have to do is make some of the mayo ahead of time and store it in a jar in the fridge. Then, choosing any number of ingredients suggested, create something new every time. Use what you have. Plan ahead or not.

This little sandwich can be part of your creative effort every day. And it will impress anyone popping in for an impromptu lunch.

The Recipe:

Two pieces of your favorite bread; it can be artisan bread from your local market or a gluten-free version from your pantry. Whatever you have.

The Mayo: For up to 4 or 5 sandwiches.

1/3 cup packed basil leaves
2 medium garlic cloves
Juice of 1/2 a small lemon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup organic, non-gmo, vegan mayo

*Use other herbs instead, like cilantro, rosemary or tarragon, if basil is not your thing.

Crush garlic and basil in the food processor. Add rest of ingredients and blend until smooth. No time to make special mayo? Just use your regular go-to, and layer fresh herbs right into the sandwich.

Other spreads are okay too, like hummus or roasted red pepper, artichoke or olive tapenade. There is no end to the possibilities.

The Basics: tomato, avocado, shallot or red-onion, cucumber.

Add in any combination of these, and delete any of the above as wanted or necessary;

Edible flowers—Petals only, remove stamens. Rose, nasturtium, borage, baby squash, johnny-jump-ups—avoid anything with pesticides, and read this list from West Coast Seeds.

Vegetarian Options: Add a soft, fried egg. Or cheese; vegan, or if you’re vegetarian, any good melting variety—Fontina, Gouda, Asiago—for the grilled version. Read this list of brilliant melting cheeses from Martha Stewart.


Sprouts—alfalfa, sunflower, mung bean

Grilled red peppers, aubergine (eggplant) or portobello mushroom

Quick Pickled Veggies, such as onions or cucumbers

Sauerkraut, well drained, or any lacto-fermented vegetable

Veggie burger

Chillies or jalapeno peppers, finely sliced

Sliced olives


Fresh sliced peppers of any color



Or even a firm pear, sliced.

Put it all together and eat as is or grill under the broiler with a bit of olive oil or butter spread on the bread.


Have fun making every sandwich just a little bit different, experimenting with taste and texture!


Author: Monika Carless

Image: Elli O./Unsplash

Editor: Nicole Cameron


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