June 8, 2011

Ellen DeGeneres, on Catch & Release.

‎”Catch-and-release? That’s like running down pedestrians in your car & then, when they get up & limp away, saying “Off you go! I just wanted to see if I could hit you.” ~ Ellen DeGeneres

Recently, I posted this.

A (respectful, worthwhile) debate ensued.


Gill: Like a lot of people if they stopped to think of the animal behind the meal they would think twice.


Elaine: Wonderful. Though I would order the word “kind” after “cruel,” because at least they released him in the end.


elephantjournal.com readers for Animal Rights. Lisa: this is soooo sad. children are naturally empathetic and compassionate and we beat it out of them. just seeing that fish hanging in the air like that as a spectacle, instead of a living, breathing, sentient creature is so damaging to a young mind. oh, when will we learn to be compassionate and make kind choices for the planet and all of us. lisa- ps- what fb photo is coming up for me and why???


elephantjournal.com readers for Animal Rights. Waylon: Elaine, I don’t know much about fishing and all, but jabbing a hook through your mouth/jaw/skin and pulling said hook hard can’t be too kind? ~ W.


Elaine: I said “at least.”


elephantjournal.com readers for Animal Rights. Right, Elaine, but I guess I’m thinking that that might be more painful than a quick death. Swimming around bleeding… W.


Elaine: I don’t think fish die from being poked in the lip.

FYI I’m vegan, I just mean that compared to what most people do, it is nice to see that the dad(?) did what he thought was humane, even if it isn’t as humane by our standards.


elephantjournal.com readers for Animal Rights. Amen, Elaine! It must be better than death, yup!


Carol: The thing about “catch and release” is: Fish are highly susceptible to stress. The barb in his lip, his being yanked from the water and gasping for breath, his entire weight hanging at the end a hook in his mouth, all cause such severe trauma and stress, that most fish die when released back into the water anyway.

That said, it seems like the “dad” was trying to do the right thing. I commend him for that.


Wong: That’s not a good way or start to teach a child to love and respect animals.


Mary Ann: ‎”Catch-and-release, that’s like running down pedestrians in your car and then, when they get up and limp away, saying — Off you go! That’s fine. I just wanted to see if I could hit you.” Ellen DeGeneres

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