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March 5, 2021

Being unable to get a person off your mind means you are also on their mind? Does psychology have anything to say about this?

Generally yes, because in such a case the vibrations of your thoughts are constantly flowing towards that person and reaching there!

However, one cannot assume it to be surely the case. If any kind of long-term relationship with the person is on your mind, you ought to get clarity about the other person’s feelings from that person itself.

The reason why you are unable to get the person off your mind is…

Gnani explains the science, “When you give opinion for anything, at that time atoms are getting charged.

Mind is nothing but our past opinions, a collection of all opinions.

In our mind, whatever thoughts are coming, they are due to opinions. In past, we have given some opinion. At that time atoms got charged. And those charged atoms are now giving result. At the time of discharge (of the charged atoms), we can see that thought.

Suppose I had an opinion, ‘I want to take tea.’ If my opinion is for tea, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I will want tea. And if my opinion was for coffee, then all the time my mind will show, ‘I want coffee, I want coffee.’ So, depending on my opinion in past life, in this life, my mind will work according to my past opinion.”

So, if you are unable to get a person off your mind, it is due to your past opinion.

However, the other person’s mind shall work according to his own past opinions, which may or may not be in sync with yours. For instance, in the above example, you may have opined for tea and the other person could have asked for coffee. Therefore, it’s important to be sure whether the other person shares the same sentiments.

The Atomic Science of Attraction

When the body encounters atoms compatible to its own, attraction occurs, whilst with others, there is no such attraction. This attraction is known as attachment and abhorrence.

It is like the attraction between a magnet and a pin. If you move a magnet around a pin, the pin would move along with it. When we bring the magnet closer to the pin, the pin will stick to it. Just like attraction arises in the pin, similarly in our body too, because of the presence of the electrical body within, there is a property like that of a magnet. The electricity within gives rise to the body’s magnetic property. So, when the body encounters atoms compatible to its own, attraction occurs.

Now, if you are sure the other person too has love for you,…

Then in love, practice the following, says Gnani, the Enlightened One:

  1. Minimize your expectations.
  2. Do not see faults of each other.
  3. Do not hurt each other.
  4. Do not keep any conditions before that person.
  5. Do not say anything negative about that person to someone else. Only say positive things about the person you love to another person.

If we fail in any of the above, we need to do pratikraman to erase our mistakes. Pratikraman means to seek forgiveness from the God residing in the other person, “Oh God! I made this mistake. Please forgive me and grant me strength so that I do not repeat this mistake.”

Then, the love will increase and it will elevate to a higher level. To maintain a high degree of love, both of you may approach Gnani, from whom you can get right understanding to live a harmonious life, and with his grace, you can also attain Self-Realization.

To know really ‘who am I’ is called Self-Realization

Self-Realization can be attained only from Gnani, the Enlightened One!!! Gnani not only makes us aware of our real Self, but also teaches us how to see the real Self of others and conduct our life. Self-Realization is the ultimate goal of human life. “If two people of the same goal are together, then they can make good progress” says Gnani.

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