September 28, 2021

There is Beauty in Stillness. But without Movement, we are Stagnant.

We don’t talk enough about the beauty of the wind.

We acknowledge the beauty of the dance of the leaves, but forget it’s the breeze the leaves really need.

And we are no different.

There is beauty in stillness, but without movement, we are stagnant.

We grow through change, through letting go of our comfort. But we also resist the pain and often choose to stay the same.

The wind has different plans for us.

She ebbs and she flows, and she is always in control because she is the one who knows.

She knows which way she wants to take us, but we grasp onto the branches right near us because we resist the answers she gives us.

Our eyes become dry and we are blinded by our own hair, but we simply do not care because we would rather suffer.

We are annoyed by the wind’s push and pull and her powerful ability to control, and so we don’t let go or embrace her sacred blow.

But what if we did?

What if, instead, we could open our eyes and see that the wind is poetry in motion and all she asks of us is to surrender to the commotion?

And what if, instead of despising her intense shifts, we let go of the branches we hold and no longer choose to resist?

Because what we fail to recognize are the seeds she plants and the promise she grants that new life will sprout.

And I can truly say, without a doubt, that we will all be okay.

If only, today, we can see the miracle that is the wind.

Because it is the wind who moves mountains and creates great change,

but it is us who must allow her to turn our next page.


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Juliana Otis  |  Contribution: 86,325

author: Juliana Otis

Image: Author's own