December 13, 2021

How to take the Perfect Nap without Ruining our Day.

I love taking naps.

Some people think that taking a nap is a waste of our time. I am not one of them. I feel that not taking naps is actually a waste of our time. Let me explain.

Lack of sleep makes me unproductive, cranky, and anxious. Without enough sleep, I usually feel as if I am drunk. I make silly mistakes, easily get annoyed by others, and don’t feel like the best version of myself.

But what if a nap goes wrong?

There is nothing more agitating to me than waking up feeling disoriented and not knowing what time of the day it is. Some folks refer to this as nap roulette—falling asleep without setting a time to wake up.

I am not a big fan of this game.

We don’t want to sleep too long during the day because that might cause us to have a hard time falling asleep at night, but we also don’t want to feel burned out after a long day at work.

But what separates one from the other?

Is it about the length of our naps? Does it matter at what time of the day we take a nap? Is there a one-size-fits-all approach to napping?

This morning, I found a clip on YouTube that answered all these questions and helped me understand the science behind naps.

Please watch this clip if you are tired of playing nap roulette and want to make the most of your days—and if you think that napping is only for lazy folks, then make sure to watch it twice.

May it be of benefit! Enjoy your nap.




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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,745

author: Robert Busch

Image: TED-Ed/YouTube Screenshot