December 20, 2021

Boostered Senators Elizabeth Warren & Cory Booker test positive for COVID-19—Do Vaccinations still Matter?


As anti-vaxxers are already celebrating breakthrough infections on social media, I would like to take a look at why vaccinations are still helpful and important.

Some folks are asking themselves, “Why should I get vaccinated if it doesn’t fully protect me from an infection?”

What sounds like a reasonable question might be slightly misleading. Let’s take a closer look.

It’s true that vaccinated (even boostered) Senators can get the virus. Nobody questions that. But what happens after the infection? The answer to this question gives us a clue why vaccinations matter more than ever.

Let me tell you what has happened to my friends and me lately.

All of my friends are vaccinated. Some of them already got their booster shots. But we also experienced a breakthrough case. One of our friends tested positive. After hearing the news, I stayed at home for a few days and tested myself daily.

My friends did the same. The result? None of us tested positive. Not even the folks living in the same apartment with our friend who had a breakthrough infection.

And that’s what makes the difference.

What’s our biggest fear? New variants. What causes variants? More infections and cases help the virus to evolve.

Dear anti-vaxxer, it’s true that I can get infected. My booster shot doesn’t fully protect me. You are right. But that doesn’t automatically mean that vaccines don’t work.

New studies are suggesting that breakthrough infections are not as dangerous as normal infections (because vaccinated folks have antibodies), they also create something scientists call super immunity.

Let’s connect these two dots, and maybe even our anti-vaxxer friends finally get it.

Vaccinated people are less likely to infect others, and vaccinated folks who get infected are not only less likely to develop severe symptoms, they are also immune to future variants. Isn’t that great?

Again, it’s true that vaccinations do not offer 100 percent protection, but they still work. They reduce our risk of getting hospitalized and infecting people in our environment.

That also means that folks who choose not to get vaccinated have a higher risk of ending up in the hospital and putting others at risk. Who would do that to themselves? And even more important, why would anyone do that?


And yes, I am aware that there are people who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons—I am not talking about you. I don’t even support vaccine mandates, as most European governments do by now. The government shouldn’t need to force citizens to get a lifesaving vaccine. It won’t change anyone’s mind.

I believe that each and every member of society should be allowed to make their own decision. But if your decision puts yourself and others at risk, I am not sure if I can ever take your opinions seriously again.

And yes, that’s my personal opinion. You are more than welcome to disagree. You can insult me in the comments—all good.

But if you find yourself in a thoughtful moment and put your ego aside, think about it again. Get vaccinated, be part of the solution and not of the problem.

That’s my biggest wish for Christmas. Let’s get our shots.

I want 2022 to be better than the last two years. How about you?




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author: Robert Busch

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