December 19, 2021

The Omicron Variant doesn’t care that it’s Christmas.


The Netherlands announced another lockdown and scientists around the world are worried about the Omicron variant, but some folks are still rejecting reality.

“It’s Christmas. I can’t spend the holidays without my family. I need to take a vacation.”

I have heard it all over the last weeks—and I get it.

I would also love to do all these things. But do you know who doesn’t care about any of that? A virus.

Unfortunately, viruses do not care about our calendar. Nature doesn’t care about our Christmas traditions. I almost feel stupid for writing that, but, at the same time, I feel some folks really need that reminder.

Nobody wants to spend another holiday season in lockdown. And I am pretty sure that most of us want this pandemic to be over, but again, the virus does not care about any of that.

It doesn’t care about our haircuts, public events, or family gatherings—it’s a virus. It doesn’t even care about “Saturday Night Live.”



At the same time, governments worldwide are well-aware that declaring another lockdown could cause riots in the streets. There have been several riots in Europe as governments talk about vaccine mandates.

Again, I am asking, “Do you think the virus cares about the popularity of lockdowns?”

What would you do if you were a politician? Shall we just let another wave of COVID-19 take the lives of loved ones because it doesn’t fit our schedule or opinion?

Seriously, if you don’t want to get vaccinated and reject lockdowns, what’s your solution? What are we even talking about? Last week, I wrote an article about getting my booster shot. I was surprised how many folks saw that as a controversial statement.

When this pandemic started almost two years ago, many of us hoped that it could be a wake-up call for humanity. I guess that expectation didn’t age well. After two years, we are still arguing about masks, vaccines, and who to trust.

I want this to be over. I want to enjoy my life again. I am with you on that. But how about doing something to achieve this goal?

It might sound naive or childish, but how about doing one more lockdown, but this time for real. Let’s stay at home, get vaccinated, and wear our masks at the supermarket. Everything else does not work, as we have found out by now.

If we don’t get this under control, we might be looking at another year of COVID-19 and new variants—and nobody wants that.



As I am writing this, I already anticipate angry comments of folks calling me an idiot—but do you know who doesn’t care about what you think about me? Exactly, the virus.

And do you know what doesn’t solve any problems?

Yelling at scientists and politicians who are trying to get this under control, traveling across the nation to see loved ones, and, of course, insulting those who still care about our society.

Scientists, politicians, and journalists are only the messengers; they didn’t invent this virus.


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It’s okay to be annoyed, but it’s not acceptable to act like a bunch of kindergarten kids who just found out that we can’t have chocolate cake for breakfast.

But again, it doesn’t matter, because you already know who doesn’t care about any of that.

It’s the virus.


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Image: JWeiland/Twitter Screenshot