May 24, 2022

Emotionally Thirsty: Why we Need to Let Go of Relationships that Make us Feel Unworthy.


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It’s a normal sunny day, and everybody’s enjoying the sun.

I’m here watching people, thinking how they are spending each day of their lives—how they’d accept dismal situations they might face and how they could move on from them.

I’m watching couples making eye contact, holding hands, and enjoying their time together. And I can’t help but ask, do they really love each other? Are their feelings for each other real? Or is someone lost, confused, and not sure if they want to spend the rest of their life with their partner?

From my recent experience, I’ve concluded that love is not enough for a relationship to last.

If one partner is hesitant about what they want from the relationship, then they should take the space they need to think and reassess the situation, or else they’d be wasting their partner’s time and making them feel unwanted, unloved, and unexceptional.

Being with a hesitant partner will cause so much damage to the relationship, resulting in a lack of attention and mutual feelings. When we’re with a hesitant partner, we instantly feel that the relationship is doomed, and the more we hold on to that person, the more the relationship becomes confusing and toxic.

In such a relationship, we start doubting ourselves and the love we have for our own soul. The longer we stay, the more we drown into many questions and endless overthinking—which we can avoid if we catch the first sign of hesitation coming from our partner.

With time, we feel alone and keep asking, “Why? Who? When? Am I their number one?” Not to mention that if we keep dismissing all the confusing red flags, there will be many dangerous consequences appearing in our personal lives.

Because the only person we love and who has made us feel special at first is now doubting their choice, they will make us lose our self-confidence and lower our self-worth. Their doubt will affect the way we react to things, people, and everything around us.

In no time, we will start to feel emotionally thirsty because we are too afraid to ask them for the attention or care that we so need. Our loyalty and pure love are so strong that they might keep us trapped in our partner’s confusing net, not allowing us to make the right decision about our relationship.

What’s even worse is when our partner is not able to value us as we deserve, nor to give us the same amount of love and care that we’ve given them.

Because if they don’t love themselves, how could they ever love us?

If your partner is confused, please don’t ignore it. At the end of the day, you’re the one asking yourself, “Do they truly love me?” Don’t put yourself in a position where you’re doubting yourself or allowing yourself to lose the confidence you’ve been trying hard to build.

Don’t let your emotions control your decisions because, deep down, you know that you have truly loved them, but they can’t meet you with the same love.

You have to allow yourself to move on and choose to be happy and valued. Pursue the dreams you’ve been dreaming about, and maybe even find your “prince charming” because there is someone out there you deserve, someone who is loving, caring, looking out for you, and gentle.

At the end, you get to make the decision. Love yourself enough to move on from the place where you don’t feel worthy enough.

We all know diamonds are that special because we value them indeed.



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author: Andreas El Hajj

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef