January 30, 2009

Governor Bill Ritter appoints Boulder Rep Alice Madden as Colorado climate-change coordinator.

I first met Gov. Bill Ritter in the basement of Boulder’s City Club. A good guy, we was (at the time) considered a long-shot, out of left field candidate for governor in our (at the time) Red State. Four years later, his poll numbers are high and he continues to bring Red and Blue together, often in Green ways:


…The $80,000-per-year position is funded through private grants from the Hewlett, Denver and Energy foundations.

“Alice Madden has distinguished herself as one of Colorado’s most accomplished and talented public servants,” Ritter said in a news release. “Her thoughtfulness and problem-solving skills will be crucial as we strive to achieve the goals in Colorado’s Climate Action Plan and strengthen Colorado’s New Energy Economy. Expanding the use of wind, solar, geothermal and clean-burning natural gas will create jobs, clean the air and address climate change.”

Madden, who was term limited last year, said in the release that climate change is, “taking its toll in every corner of Colorado.”

“Farmers, ranchers and the ski industry are concerned about winter snowpack,” she said in the release. “Citizens are worried about rising energy costs. Commuters are concerned about efficient and affordable transportation choices, and we all are worried about the future of our forests, air and water.”

Madden served in the state legislature from January 2001 to January 2009. She most recently served as the House majority leader.

Madden earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1981 and her law degree from CU in 1989.



For the whole story, click here.

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