May 28, 2022

11 Ways to Meet Someone—No Dating Apps Involved.

Let’s face it, dating app burnout is a very real thing.

Although they can be successful, and I know many people (including myself) who have found love that way, it seems like we are all ready for a break from our computers and phone.

If quarantine taught us anything, it’s the fact that in-person relationships are crucial for survival. We all need each other to feel supported and accepted. And usually when I tell people I am a dating coach, the first question I get is, “So how do I meet someone that doesn’t involve dating apps?!”

Which is exactly what inspired me to write this post. I want everyone on this earth to experience love, whether they want to use dating apps or not. And best of all, all these points below are a great way to meet new friends as well. So let’s all get off our couch and make memories in person together.

Push yourself outside your comfort zone and let life surprise you, you never know who can meet through the following 11 ways. The love of your life may just be on the other side of saying yes to new experiences!

So let’s get into it, here are 11 new ways to meet a love interest, no dating apps involved.

1. Meetup.com

This site is an amazing way to meet people with similar interests. Seriously, the site has options for any and every thing. Since I love to tell my clients that relationships are based on shared values, this is the perfect way to meet someone who aligns with you.

There’s a group for everything from book clubs, career networking, running groups, and so much more. Or better yet, you can start your own club! Is there a hobby you’re passionate about? Or maybe you just want to meet a group of people to try a cooking class with. Your people are out there, and there’s a good chance you will find them on meetup!

2. Local hiking groups

When I lived in Seattle, this was one of the first Facebook groups I joined. I knew I wanted to get outside and explore the beautiful nature that the area had to offer. I also knew that I wanted to meet some new friends since I was brand new to the city.

I loved being a part of the group because everyone was happy to share new hiking locations and set up ride sharing between the members. I recently just saw someone post about themselves, looking to meet some new people because they were tired of the dating apps.

Groups like these are so great because they attract people from all walks of life. People who love to experience nature and get out from behind their computer. So do some exploring and see what walking or hiking groups are in your area; you never know who you’ll find.

3. Tell your friends

So many people are looking for love, yet they are afraid to admit it to others. But honestly, you are doing yourself a disservice if you keep that to yourself. When you say desires out loud, they have no choice but to come true. That’s just how the Universe works. So why not tell your friends?

And let’s bring back blind dates! Tell your friends that you are looking and open to meeting someone. Let those closest to you do the heavy lifting and thinking for you. Even if you assume they don’t know anyone, you never know what happens when you get their brain connecting the dots.

They may know a coworker, or maybe their significant other has a friend who may be a good match for you. The worst thing that could happen is that they don’t have anyone for you…yet. So put the word out, let your friends do the work, and see what magic unfolds for you.

4. Sports leagues

I was walking in my favorite park over the weekend and couldn’t help to notice the dozens of teams playing volleyball. Everyone was having so much fun, and music, food, and drinks were flowing. Intramural sports leagues are an amazing way to meet new people and get some exercise as well.

I was a member of a few different sports teams when I lived in New York City. I was able to play a sport I hadn’t played in so long and hang out with new friends. We’d even go to the bar after and get celebratory drinks, whether we won or lost. And don’t worry, you don’t have to be a professional to be in these leagues.

Most of the time, the teams are playing just to have fun, get outside, and socialize like everyone else. Curious to see what sports leagues are in your area? Just google intramural leagues in your city and see what pops up.

5. Volunteer events

Looking for a way to hang out with like-minded people and do some good for your community? Volunteer events are a great place to start. This also goes back to my earlier point of finding a love interest who shares similar values. You already know the people are there to give their time and energy to a bigger cause and something that you care about as well.

My absolute favorite way to volunteer is through an animal shelter. You can volunteer to walk dogs, socialize with cats, help feed new puppies, or pet kittens. I mean who wouldn’t want to sign up for that? I have volunteered at a few different animal shelters and have always met the kindest people. I even volunteered at a community kitchen. I made some new friends while chopping onions (I would not recommend chopping onions for an hour, but in the end it was worth it!)

Volunteer.gov is the best place to start finding new opportunities.

6. A month of yes

So this is an idea that recently came to me, and I thought it would be amazing for someone who was looking for a partner. What if for one month straight, you said yes to every outing and opportunity? So many of us try to control every single thing or immediately list the reasons why we can’t do something. But what if before you even let your mind say no, you just said yes and went for it? You can do anything for a month.

Your friend invites you to a concert? Say yes! You got an email about a local craft fair that intrigues you? Yes! When you bypass all the reasons why something won’t work or convince yourself rather than stay at home with Netflix, you are giving yourself a push outside your comfort zone. And that my friend is where all the magic happens. If you can’t picture one more night of scrolling through Tinder, see what IRL (in real life) events you can check out. Your next date could be waiting for you there!

7. Work happy hours

As much as we enjoy working from home and having no commute, I think we can all agree that we miss the social aspect of it. The random mid-week happy hours seem like a thing of the past. And don’t even get me started on virtual happy hours; they are not even close to the same thing!

We’ve been working from home for two years now; think of how many new people have joined your company in that time. New faces and names that you don’t even know. With all of us ready to hang out with each other again, happy hours are the perfect way to reconnect. Even though it may feel awkward to suggest meeting up, there could be countless people waiting for someone like you to speak up.

So put the word out, open the invitation, and get ready to meet some new faces. You never know what connections you can make.

8. Open your energy

Since all of us have been stuck at home for so long, it’s easy to feel like we’ve lost all social skills. I’ve even joked about not knowing how to socialize anymore! But all that belief does is make my energy closed off to new people and new experiences. I’ve made it a point to smile more and be more engaging with everyone I meet because we’ve all felt some pang of loneliness over the last two years.

So what if, along with your month of yes from tip #6, you practiced opening up your energy? Invite people to have conversations with you, and let people know you are friendly. Smile at more people, and ask how someone’s day is going. See someone who catches your eye at the coffee shop? Why not send a smile their way. It’s sad that so many of us are accustomed to having our heads buried in our phones and our EarPods blasting while we walk through the grocery store. Dare to break free from the crowd and notice the world, and the people, around you. A little eye contact goes a long way.

9. Reconnect with old friends

Let’s face it, quarantine made it challenging to keep up relationships as we were used to. We can only take so many Zoom chats and Instagram mentions before we feel a relationship fading. There’s just nothing that compares to quality time in person. And I can bet that you have lost a friendship during this life-changing time.

Well with all of us ready to get back outside again, why not reconnect with old friends? When you combine this with tip #3, you never know what can happen. Friends may have started new jobs, moved towns, met someone, or picked up a new hobby. And what if all it took was you mentioning that you are looking for love for the lightbulb to go off in their head? Their new coworker is exactly the person you’re looking for. This is the magic that happens when you put yourself out there!

10. Book signings

Is your favorite author coming to town for a book signing? Or maybe your favorite chef is hosting an event to demo their new cookbook. Whatever genre you are into, I can guarantee there is a book signing or event you can attend to soak up all the knowledge and meet some like-minded friends. Book signings are a great way to meet people because almost all of them involve some sort of socializing event after the signing.

Some ways to get talking to people are starting up a conversation with the person sitting next to you or behind you in line waiting to meet the author. You could even combine this with tip #7 and offer to host a happy hour or dinner after the signing. Get creative and think of ways to strike up conversations with your fellow audience members!

11. Podcast tapings

Similar to the point above, podcast tapings are such a fun way to be around new and different people. It’s also a great way to start conversations because everyone around you will be feeling all the positive energy and learnings from the event. Just like book signings, these events almost always have some sort of socializing component after the event. And we all know that there’s a podcast for literally every single topic and interest out there.

These really are the new type of concerts because podcasts are so prevalent now. Even better if you attend a comedy show because you can get some laughs in and can easily connect to the other audience members. Start by searching if your favorite show is doing a tour and see what similar events are shown to you. You never know who you can meet next.

And there you have it, 11 new ways to meet a love interest that do not involve dating apps! Let me know if you’ve tried any of these or anything that I may have missed from the list.

Here’s to meeting new people and finding love in new places!


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author: Annie Das

Image: Dziana Hasanbekava/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson