February 6, 2009

Phelps suspended for bong photo; nation’s children yawn.

Give. Me. A. Break. I’m Buddhist, and we consider pot to be bad for the mindstream (though we’re crazy for our sake rice wine)…so I don’t smoke (well, not since high school in Vermont). But just about every young (not to mention many an old-timer) smokes dope here and there…it’s about as harmless as putting your feet up on a table. At least in moderation.

So I find it a bad joke that swimmer hero Michael Phelps and the US Olympians get no hell for participating in the Chinese Olympics—a country that arrested Americans for hanging Free Tibet signs on the opening day, a country that censors Google searches for ‘independence’ and ‘freedom’…but he’s hung out to dry for smoking a bong. What will America’s Pineapple Express-lovin’ youth think!?

What hypocrisy. We have more of our citizens in jails than an nation in history…and half of them are pot-bellied Cherry Garcia lovers.

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