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Shocking Donald

0 Heart it! Claire Algar 20
June 20, 2018
Claire Algar
0 Heart it! 20

This is one of the most shocking stories that I keep hearing about. Young children, babies and toddlers are being snatched from their parents at the US border then held in detention centres.
Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions implemented a Zero tolerance policy of migrants crossing the border – some are illegal while some are fleeing persecution from Central America, many could be granted a visa legally but children are taken regardless.
Literally as soon as they reach the border to seek asylum the parents and children are separated and held in different facilities, the parents are taken to federal jails and the children held in shelters or short term foster care, whether the migrants have a legal case to be accepted into the US or not.
11,000 children are currently being held this way – although many of those children arrived unaccompanied. Around 2,700 babies toddlers and under 12s have been taken from their parents in just a 6 week period in April and May when the Government stepped it up a gear.
Children and parents are screaming and crying as they’re physically ripped from their mothers and fathers arms! I can’t imagine how scared they must be. Parents are often told the children are just being taken away for questioning or for a bath when really its for detention.
There have been hundreds of claims of verbal, physical and sexual abuse of the children. There are reports of teenagers being released to traffickers. There are reports that of 7000 unaccompanied children held – 1500 are ‘lost’ – uncontactable, who knows if traffickers have them or what they’re being used for?
Some babies and toddlers are being deported while their parents are still in detention while some parents are deported with their children being left behind in the US. Several parents have been released without charge and allowed to stay in the US but then can’t track down their children as the system is so overwhelmed! It’s criminal. Imagine the long term psychological effects this is going to have. I read about a two year old girl who was screaming crying and banging the floor but staff couldn’t comfort her due to rules prohibiting physical contact

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0 Heart it! Claire Algar 20
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