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What to do on the Worst Day

2 Heart it! Megan Coleman 129
November 13, 2018
Megan Coleman
2 Heart it! 129

We all have days in which we are anxious and feel the world crashing down on us and days in which we feel so despondent that we can hardly manage to get through the day. 


Here are some tips I find useful:

Give yourself all the grace: If you’re having a rough time, give yourself grace and allow yourself to feel deeply whatever emotions arise without reservation or guilt.


Give yourself a treat: On bad days, allow yourself a treat. Take that bubble bath with your favorite bubbles. Have that bowl of ice cream. Buy that movie you’ve been eyeing and watch it. Treating yourself can be a great way to unwind and forget your worries and also allow yourself time to breathe after a tough day.


Meditate: This one can be hard on a bad day but trust me, it’s a good one. Allow yourself to fully be in the bad moments. Breathe and remember that this is only temporary. Soon your worries will wash away like rain off your back and a calm will come over you. You will feel a peace and grounding again that will help you lose the essence of the bad day and also prepare you for the day to come. 

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2 Heart it! Megan Coleman 129
2 Heart it! 129

allidawebb Jan 8, 2019 9:59am

I’m sure we all agree on giving ourselves a treat sounds great! Well think about doing something that makes you feel great and is immediately appreciated. And not doing it for just yourself. I’m talking about your best friend, your four legged furry best friend. Change into comfortable clothes and grab the leash, stick some favorite treats in your pocket and go! To the dog park. To any wilderness, beach, river that they are allowed. If it’s bad weather take them to the big Pet Store. Or Mall that allows them in the middle. You know where you both will have fun. Their enthusiasm and happiness will run right off on you. And you know where you stand with your fur baby. Loved without conditions.

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