December 18, 2008

Mick Jagger: “It’s fine if he likes trees.”

Who knew? Rolling Stones’ Chuck Leavell is a hardcore ecobuff, and now founder of Mother Nature Network, a new, well-endowed web site destined to be crushed by yours truly? (We’re all for green media, just so long as it’s us. Or Eco Times. Or Treehugger, they’re alright. Or Grist, I heart Umbra).

Excerpt from today’s NY Times’ blog, Green Inc.

…Chuck Leavell, the keyboardist for the Rolling Stones, and the director of environmental affairs for a new green Web site, MotherNatureNetwork.com (MNN.com for short), which is already up but scheduled to launch in full on Jan. 6.

The Web site, which will offer information and news about energy and the environment, starts with close to $10 million in backing from Mr. Leavell and several others, including Pete Correll, the former chairman and chief executive of Georgia Pacific, a big paper and packaging company.

And there will be videos featuring other green-minded celebrities (with musical introductions featuring Mr. Leavell on the keyboards, of course).

Despite the bad economic climate, Mr. Leavell and Joel Babbit, the Web site’s chief executive (and another investor), are optimistic and say they have secured some advertisers who will provide sponsorships with content, like videos, rather than with traditional ads.


In fact, hard times have had a benefit: MNN’s headquarters are in Atlanta, so it has been able to pick off some writers who fell victim to downsizing at Atlanta-based CNN and the Weather Channel. (Contributors will include Jim Motavalli, who also writes for theWheels blog of the Times.)…



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