March 31, 2010

Kombucha is bad. Is Beer Better?

We at Elephant really love Dr. Andrew Weil, and he has been interviewed and featured many places on Elephant Journal, including this fantastic video.

In fact, I had a great time shooting the above photo of him last year, in Denver. Some of us also love Kombucha (although I personally think it tastes wretched and I would not inflict it on my worst enemies, but I digress). It’s a product exploding at local health food stores and chains like Whole Foods, so what does the Dr. have to say about it?

Well, I read with interest when Dr. Weil answered the following question about the alleged miracle drink, Kombucha.

QUESTION: Cured by Kombucha?
What are the benefits of kombucha tea? Do you recommend it?

ANSWER (by Dr. Weil) Excerpt: “I don’t recommend kombucha tea at all. I know of no scientific studies backing up the health claims made for it… ”

You can read the rest of this interesting answer here.

So what is your experience? Do you feel you’ve been taken along with a fad, or is there other information out there that proves that kombucha is good for your overall wellness? Do we think it is better for us because it tastes bad?

Possibly it’s better to drink a Guinness a day (Guinness for health, as they say), or maybe a local brew that has all those vitamins, minerals, and proven heart-attack preventing benefits??

As for me, I’ll stick with a local IPA or a glass of wine!



Image: Quinn Dombrowski/Flickr


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