March 13, 2012

30-Minute Detox Yoga Sequence with Sadie Nardini. {Free Video}

It was nearly 70 degrees in New York City today.

That’s made all the more sweet because last night it was an impressively soul-shriveling 39.

So I did what most other people were doing this fine afternoon—I stripped off the layers until I got to my Jai Ram tank top, cheekily done in the same design as a Run-DMC logo. Okay, maybe not everyone did that, but let me tell you: I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored windows of my friendly Brooklyn ‘hood car service storefront, and I thought,

This sequence will get you rockin’ the tank this summer too!

“Thanks, yoga!”

15 years and 40 pounds (and a whoooole lotta bad habits) ago, I stumbled upon this practice in a gym while looking for the ab cruncher thingy. Go figure. Yoga ended up being the one workout that reshaped my body and along with it, my outlook on life and the way I treat myself and others.

Even if they don’t know me. Even if they’re rude.

So no, in case you’re wondering, this is not just a physical sequence. While you’re moving, be sure to bring your attention toward dissolving and releasing anything that has happened to you, hasn’t yet happened, or may never happen that you’re still holding onto in ways that weigh you down or keep you feeling slow and stuck somehow.

To get out of those destructive “samskaras,” or habits, it’s often helpful to give yourself a big ol’ kick in the asana and get moving in another direction, one that opens the deathgrip on old baggage—whether physical, mental, emotional or (usually) all three—and gets you to lighten up. Only then can you move forward with a sassy bounce in your step, free and clear to be your best self, ever.

I promised this sequence to my fierce community over on Facebook for putting me over the 16,000 ‘Like’ edge, and I want to share it with all of you yoga-loving ele readers too. Include it in your practice whenever you want a whole body lean, clean, calorie-and-toxin burning routine.

Enjoy! And let me know how it goes.

Recommendations: Warm up with 3-5 Sun Salutations before attempting. This sequence is meant for strong beginners and up who are without major injury. And while you’re at it, eat a whole foods-based diet, hydrate well and do things that you’re passionate about to get even more benefits from this practice.

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