May 30, 2012

10 Ways to Tell if Yoga Is Present in Your Home.

Yoga in Home

Yoga is present in my home.

I’m not sure when it started, but over time, I have accrued articles and stereotypes that have made my home a “yogic” home.

Have you?

Maybe you’ve found your self saying it’s just exercise. Perhaps you have convinced yourself you are not spiritual or that yoga is just something you do at the gym.

How do we know when practicing yoga in a class starts to translate to yoga being present in our home?

Here are 10 ways to tell if we have begun to build the bridge from class to home with our yoga:

  1. You have adapted chakra color therapy into your interior design efforts. My walls are now yellow and when I’m tucked in my abode I shine positive energy from the inside out.
  2. Candles, altar, incense or Hindu or Buddhism deities have found their way onto your shelves. I have an entire shelving unit. Filled. ‘Nough said.
  3. You have one specific wall with marks from kicking up. I have a wall with a removable painting I rest on my bed when I kick up and replace once I’ve finished my practice.
  4. At some point in your day you find yourself telling others, “shhh, I’m trying to meditate.” I have three other individuals in my home I find myself saying this too. I know I’m in trouble when I start telling it to our snow leopard gecko (Xander).
  5. You find yourself watching T.V. on the floor in lotus position more and more.
  6. You have a copy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s, the Bhagavad Gita and/or the Kama Sutra on a bookshelf.
  7. If you look hard enough there is a Sanskrit symbol for “Om” somewhere. I have all of the above, like I said somehow it just accrued!
  8. Your yoga mat doubles as a body pillow. At this point I have yoga mats stored everywhere, so good thing they have multiple uses!
  9. You have created an iTunes playlist of kirtan on your home computer.
  10. Your go-to line in an argument with your significant other has become: “you are stealing my peace!” I think I say this multiple times each week. I’m confident eventually he’ll get my “yoga speak.”

So, I confess yoga is present in my home.

If any one of these struck a note with you, be assured you are on track to connecting with your practice at a much higher level. If you are unable to identify with one of these then now is the time to pick one and make it happen.


Editor: Brianna Bemel


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