September 16, 2012

Lose the Force & Reclaim Power.

Photo: U.S. Air Force/Denise Gould

Force is experienced through the senses; power can be recognized only through inner awareness.

We celebrate the champion because we recognize that he has overcome personal ambition through sacrifice and dedication to higher principles.

Churchill stood for power. Hitler for force.

~ David Hawkins

This is #31 of 108 Ways to Livin’ the Moment. Let’s take back our lives one beautiful, funny and delicious moment at a time.

#31 of 108:  Lose the Force!

You probably have heard by now about “Mark Owen,” the pseudonym for the former Navy SEAL Team Six member who was part of the legendary mission to take down Osama bin Laden.

In an interview on Sunday, Owen shared the otherworldy calmness and efficiency with which his team executed their orders.

Regarding the 120 helicopter ride from their airbase in Afghanistan to Bin Laden’s hideout in Pakistan, he said:

I swear, I glance around the helicopter and half the guys are sitting there asleep on the ride in. It was an hour and a half ride. Guys gotta catch a few Zs on the way in.

He shared the closeness of his unit, repeatedly referring to his fellow SEAL team members as “my buddies.”

In the interview, Owen made the mission sound as efficient as Tom Brady marching his team down the field on a game winning 90 yard drive.

What explains SEAL Team Six’s ability to function and thrive amidst impossible pressure?

It’s something much greater than intense training.

Author David Hawkins would tell you that SEAL Team Six was tapped into a “high energy attractor pattern.” They were on a mission for their nation and for their team.

In his classic book Power Vs Force, Hawkins explains that when you do something just for yourself, it is a “low energy attractor pattern.”

According to Hawkins, the greater your cause, the greater your access to power, strength, calmness and clarity.

  • If you’re trying to improve your down dog yoga pose, don’t do it to compete with the woman next to you in yoga class. Do it because you want to get closer to enlightenment, the highest energy attractor pattern of all.
  • If you’re trying to carry out a mission to raise a certain amount of money for a charity, don’t do it to get your name etched on the plaque. Do it to make the world a better place. Peace is the next highest energy attractor pattern.
  • If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t do it to look skinny. Do it to be healthier for your kids or spouse, or to enhance your connection to spirit. Love is the third highest energy attractor pattern..

Whatever you do, do it for something greater than self.

Do it for family, do it for team, on this most sacred day, do it for the U.S.A.!


Momenteering Mania!

You have been volunteering to go Momenteering. And I’m preparing for launch.

Just what is a Momenteer? It’s someone who believes that by being courageously, deeply, faithfully present…you can change the world.

If you need a little kick in the behind to anchor down and restore trust in the moment…

Email [email protected] and write Momenteer! in the subject.

Editor: Lynn Hasselberger

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