December 27, 2008

The First Facebook Virus spreads to other Social Networks.

Normally, we wouldn’t link to such a general subject, but this seems like a good one to nip in the bud. Read allaboudit on today’s NY Times—that way when you get a questionable message from a friend, you’ll know whether it’s real or evil.


…Once a computer has become infected with the Koobface worm, it spams the friends belonging to the owner of the computer by leaving comments on their profiles. Those comments appear to come from the infected user, saying things like “Are you sure this is your first acting experience?”, “is it u there?”, “impressive. i’m sure it’s you on this video”, “How can anyone get so busted by a spy camera?” and“You’re the whole show! i’m admired with you.”Save for that last one, whose bad English will likely raise a flag that all is not what it seems, the other comments appeal to people’s vanity. They wonder: is that really a video of me? and then click through on the link provided.

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