January 11, 2009

Everything we need to know we learned from PBS—Mr. Rogers testifies to Congress [Video]

This actually made me cry, a little—it’s like a real-life staging of one of those bullshiite tired Hollywood dramas that’s forever ripping off Miracle on 34th Street. “Looks like you just earned your $20 million dollars,” says the Congressman at the end. And wow—I actually feel like I learned, or remembered something about how to deal with anger…and boy, I’m 34. Makes me wish this gentle-man would be on the boob tube when I get around to having children.

With thanks to one of my oldest young friends, Jigme Daniels, for the heads up, comes this gem circa 1969, when Mr. Rogers testified before a Congress considering whether to fight Mr. Nixon’s proposed 50% cut of PBS’s budget. Bushi no Nasake!, Jigme says, whatever that means. Another friend, Dori, says of viewing this vid: It is so simple yet profound – I want to send it to Hamas and the Israelis, right now! Everything we need to know we learned in kindergarden….




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