January 26, 2009

5280 names elephant journal founder Waylon Lewis Top Single. Single in the City party in Denver.

UPDATE: the 5280 magazine link to Most Eligible Bachelors Bachelorettes/’Sexy Singles‘ is live. Can you tell they photoshopped me in, ’cause I had to be in LA when the shoot took place? (I can’t, either). Click here for the accompanying article (or read excerpt below). And holy shiite! I just realized our longtime co-conspirator Esther Kang of sustainable firm Mighty Karma is one of the ladies!

2. Esther Kang, 34
Owner, MIGHTYkarma Advertising & Design Shop
I’m a sucker for: Brooding, unnecessarily moody, and deep artist-types.Fantasy vacation: Road trip to Woodstock 1969 (it’s fantasy—we can go back in time, right?). Secret talent: I have quite a bit of dexterity with my toes—I can pick things up. You’d never guess: I was captain of my high school lacrosse team. Nickname: Lil’ Monsta. Childhood crush:The Fonz. Guilty pleasure: Cornucopia (the mini corn dogs) at My Brother’s Bar. On the bucket list: Deejay my 100th birthday party

Excerpt via 5280:

Oh, and if you need a little inspiration, feast your eyes on 24 of Denver’s top singles as you browse the next few pages. For more than three months, we searched for the city’s most eligible, amazing catches, and this hand-selected list is the finest Denver has to offer…

1. Stephen Keel, 25
Colorado Rapids defender
I’m so over: Those boots with the fur. Rainy-day activity: Working out or playing with my two rock-star bulldogs. Secret talent: I’m great at managing my fantasy football team. You’d never guess: I don’t eat vegetables. And I make my bed every day. Part of my charm: Rocking my three-quarter-length pants. People think they’re capris, but they’re not as long. Deep down, people love them. Guilty pleasure: Ice cream with sprinkles, Oreo Blizzards, milk shakes, and apple pie.

2. Mike Sukle, 46
Creative Director/Owner, Sukle Advertising + Design
I’m a sucker for: Someone who laughs at my jokes. Weekend whereabouts: Home Depot, or home taking care of my boys (6 and 10).Secret hobby: I work in the garden. Just wish I had a green thumb.Fantasy vacation: Southeast Asia, trekking or canoeing down a river.Part of my charm: Sappy movies make me cry. Book I’m reading: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Lifetime wish: Getting to play quarterback for one down in the NFL. Biggest fear: Doing this interview.

3. Wojtek Wolski, 23
Colorado Avalanche forward
I’m a sucker for: Girls in sweatpants. Fantasy vacation: Safari in Africa. Secret talent: I’m handy around the house. Nickname: Wolfie.Guilty pleasure: Gummi Bears. You’d never guess: I like to dance. On the bucket list: Having a family.

4. Eric Trujillo, 43
Creative Director/Owner, Studio Trujillo; traveling art show curator
Great night out: Table 6, Don’s Mixed Drinks, midnight movie at the Esquire. I’m a sucker for: Romance. Deal-breaker: Pessimism.Weekend whereabouts: Cheesman Park, running with my dog. Rainy-day activity: Indoors watching classic movies—anything Hitchcock.Fantasy vacation: Diving and snorkeling the cenotes of Yucatán, hiking the ruins. Secret hobby: I collect antique, nostalgic furniture. Last book I read: The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman.

5. Ted Crawford, 56
Web/graphic designer; part-time Moab mountain bike patrolman/tour guide
Great night out: A picnic at Red Rocks with the top down at moonlight.Deal-breaker: A workaholic. Secret talent: I’ve won an award for my margaritas. And I hold the state record in Utah for the 100-yard dash.Part of my charm: I always put both seats down. Celeb crush: Hayley Mills. Last book I read: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. Confession: I do chores during football. I iron clothes and do the laundry. Biggest fear: Karaoke.

6. Waylon Lewis, 34
Editor-in-Chief, Elephantjournal.com; online video talk-show host; Columnist, the Huffington Post
Great night out: A Cheers bar where everybody knows your name.You’d never guess: I fully intend on running for Boulder City Council in a year. Deal-breaker: Someone who’s genuinely not interested in living an environmentally responsible life. Heroes: Chögyam Trungpa, widely credited with bringing the Tibetan Buddhism culture to the United States. And Dave Winfield of the Yankees.

I‘ve been selected as one of 5280‘s top 12 eligible bachelors, or cool interesting singles, something like that. And there’s 12 eligible bachelorettesCome with and watch me squirm – slash – eat it up! I went in for the photoshoot a few weeks back…right before I left for Eco Gift. I look forward to seeing the issue—but not as much as my momma and my grandma…and my friends…who’ll have no end of fun making endless fun of me.

UPDATE: Alright, we’ve got more deets. In addition to yours truly, 11 other Denver area bachelors and 12 other bachelorettes (if I’ve done my math right) have been named Denver’s Most Eligible, or Sexy Singles, or something like that. From The Rocky Mountain News:

When 5280 magazine started its Single in the City edition more than eight years ago, editors plucked the Rocky’s dahling Dahlia Weinstein (who has since left us) as one of their sexy singles. Well, she’s still both – sexy and single.

This year’s issue, which comes out Jan. 30, lists 24 high-profile singles in our city. They include: former Colorado first lady Frances Owens, now executive VP for community affairs for the Galloway Group; Denver’s 7 reporter Jane Slater; Jill Hodges, graphic designer and TV host for New Media’s Shoetube.com; Denver Foundation’s Lauren Casteel; Merrill Lynch VP Marti Awad; former Denver District Attorney Norm Early; Colorado Avalanche forward Wojtek Wolski; The Huffington Post columnist Waylon Lewis; gay activist and aspiring ski bum Daniel Gonzales and Sukle Advertising owner Mike Sukle.

“Without a doubt, this is the most dynamic and exciting group of Top Singles that we’ve ever featured,”5280 editor Dan Brogan said in an e-mail. “Yes, they’re all attractive, but they’re also smart, accomplished, and just plain fun to hang out with. We’re certain that they will help make our Single in the City party one of the year’s top events in Denver.”

5280 solicited nominations from the public via 5280.com and from the magazine’s editors contacts. “Over the course of several months, our editors pored over hundreds of nominations looking for a high-profile, diverse, and exciting group of Denver’s most eligible singles, ultimately selecting the 24 women and men that appear in the February issue,” Brogan said.

The hearty party where you can meet and mingle with the singles starts…

…for the rest, go to The  Rocky Mountain News (which my papa used to write for back in the day).

Party deets:

5280 Magazine presents….Single in the City 2009
(Back by popular demand—the ultimate singles list, the ultimate singles soiree!)

General Admission Ticket $40
VIP Ticket $125

Proceeds benefit Volunteers of America, one of the nation’s largest and most comprehensive human services organizations, serving 2 million + each year including at-risk youth, the elderly, men and women returning from prison, homeless individuals and families, people with disabilities and those recovering from addictions.

Purchase Tickers here (you’ll be redirected to secure ordering page).


Purchase your tickets at one of our authorized ticket sales retailers and get $10 off the ticket price!
SOL, Store of Lingerie
248 Detroit St. (in Cherry Creek North)
Denver, CO 80206
Located between 2nd & 3rd on Detroit.
Garment District
2595 S. Colorado Blvd
Denver, CO 80222

See pictures from the 2007 Single in the City party and RSVP on Facebook here.

Below: a tongue in cheek photo from a few years back, when I was posing for a photographer so he could get light right for cover photoshoot of a real star, yoga diva Rainbeau Mars at The Spot in Boulder, Colorado. Notice the anti-slogan (elephant’s stated editorial mission is ‘the mindful life.’)

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