March 7, 2009

Hosea Rosenberg: what will you cook for Brangelina and kids? People Magazine video. [the week post – Top Chef victory]

One week after brining home the title (and $100,000 cash) of Top Chef back home to little ol’Boulder, Colorado, Hosea’s found himself pulled in two directions—one, instant fame on a whirlwind tour of NYC on the morning shows, Martha Stewart, etc…and the other, back to check in with his ailing parents and work as top chef (!) at Jax, his and Dave Query’s great downtown Boulder restaurant. A mutual buddy saw Hosea back in his Trident Cafe ritual yesterday…so I thought I’d do a followup of last week’s nationally-ranked Hosea Top Chef writeup here on elephantjournaldotcom and just say, hey: 

Stay in Boulder, Hosea, we love you!

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