April 12, 2009

The Old Media Burn-off Continues. Gaiam ixnays Common Ground, Conscious Choice…


I’ve writ extensively on the old media (print, mainly) to new media (web, mainly) “transition” that’s been going on over the last year, with plenty of victims strewn along both sides of the information highway (elephant is riding our bike, still, along the shoulder—we saw the change a’comin’, jumped ship—to mix metaphors—voluntarily giving up 6.5 years of aggregated revenues, but in so doing giving ourselves a chance to survive…and…thrive).
I got this news (click here for backstory), which I’ve cut for privacy and length, in my inbox today:
It is with profound sadness that I deliver this news: The April issues of
Whole Life Times (Los Angeles), Common Ground (San Francisco), Seattle
Conscious Choice, and Conscious Choice Chicago will be the last to be
published under CE Media/Gaiam Lifestyle Media. 

At the end of March, Gaiam shuttered all of the CE Media print publication
offices. Regrettably, Gaia New York will not be published for April. There
was a level of advertiser buy-in that did not happen in the time we were
given to produce the magazine before we were surprised with the news to
cease operations.

We have a commitment to our advertisers to distribute the April issues in
SF, LA, Seattle and Chicago as promised.

It should be of interest to you there is a grassroots effort by some
of the former publishers and/or staff in those above mentioned markets
to resurrect the publications.  The staff of San Francisco’s Common
Ground,  Chicago’s
Conscious Choice, and Los Angeles’s Whole Life Times has a desire to bring
the magazine back to the community in the true nature by which it was
created over 35 years ago – which means without corporate influence –
a true community media vehicle. There will be flair and style to meet
current market desires as well as compelling editorial content
relevant to our communities’ varied interests.  The seasoned local
staff will bring you a new print magazine, so keep an eye out for new
magazines and the official roll-out announcements!

It has been a truly wonderful experience getting to work with this community
of dedicated eco-wellness businesses.  …
With warmth and gratitude,

Carrie Staller


Carrie Staller
Lime Media (A Gaiam Company)
Cell (415) 797-8694
Fax   (415) 459-4974
[email protected]

www.commongroundmag.com (San Francisco Bay Area)
www.consciouschoice.com (Chicago)
www.seattle.consciouschoice.com (Seattle)
www.wholelifetimes.com (Los Angeles)

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