June 25, 2009

Whole Foods Market in Boulder powered by (All-) American Wind

Via the Whole Foods Market web site:

Whole Foods Market Boulder, as well as the other Colorado stores and the Denver Distribution Center, has offset 100% of the electricity with clean, sustainable American Wind™. Whole Foods Market believes that companies, like individuals, must assume their share of responsibility as tenants of Planet Earth. The impact of Whole Foods Market commitment to wind power in Colorado, a state that generates over 90% of it’s electricity by burning coal, is the elimination of almost 16 million pounds of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere — the equivalent of not driving the average car over 17 million miles or not burning over 8.5 million pounds of coal.

In that vein, kudos as well to WFM using compostable Eco Products for their to go ware…but, sitting there eating a mostly-conventional salad from their vast salad bar, my friend Dave Rogers and I were wondering why they only offer black plastic cutlery, instead of compostable corn forks and spoons and knives. Also, it seems everything is served on togoware…can’t they offer more for-here options, like the salad bowls? My girl dash friend Lindsey’s pizza, last night (okay, I’m there a lot) was served in a cardboard box that looked sturdy enough to ship to China…when she was only walking 10 feet out onto the patio. Final question: if everything is compostable, why is it so hard/impossible to find compost bins available in some stores?

Ah, Whole Foods, your attention to eco details only inspires we, your customers, to want to raise the bar even further. Keep it up!

Bonus (video featuring our very own Hosea Rosenberg of Boulder’s Jax, and Top Chef Winner):

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