July 1, 2009

Dr. Oliver Sacks with Jon Stewart: What do Candy, Sex, Drugs, Gandhi, Hitler, Bach & an Orange Brain have in Common?

Dr. Oliver Sacks

…is one of the most incredible humans I’ve ever had the pleasure to know (from afar). I’ve read his incredible The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat (need a summer book? Get it, you can’t go wrong) while at school, where Sacks lives. And I cried when I saw the movie Awakenings, back in 1994, when I hadn’t cried, like, ever—I was a tough young man, then, or so I thought.

Here he is with my newer idol, Jon Stewart, talking about Music and The Brain. Video:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Oliver Sacks
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