August 23, 2009

Congressman Jared Polis on Stephen Colbert! You know what I mean!

Finally. My man Congressman Jared Polis, our very own Congressman right here in the teabagging capitol of America, and a man and a mensch among men and mensches, is on Stephen Colbert…and does a better job than most grinning and bearing Colbert’s vicious puns, and coming out looking good despite the Colbert Report’s super-vicious video editors! Enjoy!

PS: Jared woulda hit the whole beer bong, but no one in Colorado drinks Coors. We prefer…New Belgium! Avery! Mountain Sun! What else! Truly Colorado beers!

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Even Better-er Know a District – Colorado’s 2nd – Jared Polis
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Protests

Colbert Bongs a Beer with Congressman Jared Polis

www.indecisionforever.com — Stephen even better knowed Colorado’s second district by sitting down with Jared Polis, the first openly gay man elected to Congress. At the end, they take turns sucking on a long cylindrical object, but this is 2009, we have a black President and gay people can be elected to Congress, so there’s really no comedic conclusion to jump to there. (Television)

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