September 22, 2009

Boulder traditions: Halloween Mall Crawl is back from the Unholy Undead.

Via our pal Jonathan, who’s bringin’ the infamous Mall Crawl back, only with a touch (only a touch) of self-control:

“I remember growing up in Boulder and hearing the stories from grown-ups and babysitters about something big, something called the Mall Crawl.  It was the thing to do around Halloween, an absolutely massive party. Not until I was a teen did I begin to get interested, but by then it had been successfully killed off by the City government.

Now, in 2009, after seeing thousands of people milling about on Pearl St. last Halloween, it seems like it will just take a little push to get the Mall Crawl started up once again. I love Boulder and having the Mall Crawl tradition reborn will add another item to the long list of reasons why Boulder is such a great place. Here’s to Halloween and a huge Mall Crawl party on Pearl St this year!

Also, I’ve contacted Boulder historian Silvia Pettem, here’s the story she wrote previously.

Stay posted.  :-)”


All the info is here. Join in or miss the greatest, least-popular-with-the-5-Oh party (it was shut down by the City of Boulder for getting too rowdy) this side of the Bubble.

Some more great photos here at Evan “From Heaven” Ravitz’s site.

Via our friends Jonathan and Duzer and their Facebook Page:

The biggest, baddest Halloween celebration this side of the Mississippi is back for 2009!

Have you ever heard of the Mall Crawl? It was a giant Halloween party on Boulder’s Pearl St. Mall that peaked at 40,000 people in 1990. But it was killed-off (Booo!) by the City of Boulder due to its rowdiness.

Should we let this fabled Boulder event fade away and be lost to history? No! No! No! Boulder needs a fun, free, crazy, expressive public event so we can all be merry on Halloween – an event that brings back a Boulder tradition and brings us together to enjoy the awesome holiday of Halloween.

We just need to behave…just a little, and we’ll be fine. The Mall Crawl for is back for Halloween 2009!

It’s a big outdoor party on Pearl St. Mall – all you have to do is show up at Pearl St. on Halloween night. Costumes highly encouraged. There are no leaders, there is no agenda, the only rule is to have fun!

On Saturday, Oct 31, people should start gathering on Pearl St. just East of 11th and spread both directions on Pearl from there.

There were thousands out on Pearl St. last Halloween, and this year Halloween is on a Saturday, so it’s the perfect year to restart the Mall Crawl. (Entrepreneurs take note, I bet you could do well selling T-shirts at this event.)

We also have a group you can join: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46572551182

Life is too short to sit inside on Halloween and watch re-runs of Friday the 13th, so we will be taking to the streets to show our love for this great holiday! And tell all those you meet: I’m helping to restart the Boulder Mall Crawl in 2009!

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