September 27, 2009

Cell phones in Yoga Class?

 Lululemon asks, “What’s your Intention?”

This is What Effective Advertising Looks Like: Lululemon

…on Yoga & our All-American Busy-ness.

[9th in a Series]

Yoga apparel fave Lululemon’s latest ad is spot-on when it comes to yoga practice circa 2009. I’m at the amazing, Valhalla-like Yoga Journal Conference right now, and we allll seem to have our cell phones in our classes. Many of us turn ’em off, many of us mute them (so you can still hear still vibrating phones from time to time, and the subtle radiation from phones is everywhere), and some of us, like yours truly, have given up the notebook and pen and started taking notes on our iPhone’s “Notes” program.

But what happened to the “retreat” part of yoga retreats? Can we still manage to put aside a few hours, or days, to practice and develop our openness, compassion, and ability to come back to the present moment? Or is yoga but a bump in the road of our workaholic, distractable, hypersocial daily lives?

How many of us have texted from a yoga class, while the teacher is talking?

That said, I’d love to see Lululemon continue to add more eco options (they do have more and more) to their stylish, super-popular lineup. After all, if our intention isn’t to live and play in harmony with our environment, our environment will support a healthy, happy lifestyle less and less.

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