October 24, 2009

Real Yoga: No Chanting. No Granola. No Sanskrit.

Good God (Shiva?).

Regretfully added Clarification. Since this post as originally published (without comment) continues to illicit violent (!) reactions from yogis (?!) everywhere, here’s what I thought when I saw the below. Thought it would be self-apparent we’re not fans of this sort of anti-yoga yoga, but… ~ ed.

We here at elephant laughed out loud (yes, literally) when we saw these posters in LA…while it’s fine for those uninterested in the spiritual roots of yoga to practice without sanskrit, yoga, or “granola” (!), it’s still a little sad/scary/silly that they’re so loudly, proudly rejecting yoga’s roots.

As seen in Venice, California, at YAS Yoga.

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