December 3, 2009

Are Chickens Sentient Beings?

Give up Eggs and Dairy before you Give up Meat!

Cage-free sucks!

And other surprises in this stellar, killer interview with Ellen and one of the great novelists of our time.

Jonathan Safran Foer on the Ellen Show, with bonus videos. Eating meat may be natural—but the way we’re raising it no longer is natural, or kind. Swine flu is called swine flu for a reason—factory farms create disease, cause climate change, poison or waterways…and cage-free means a chicken gets to live in 67 inches, the size of a sheet of paper.

The point may not be to become vegetarian—but to simply be mindful of what we’re putting in our mouths, and to become responsible for changing the current out-of-sight out-of-mind system into something like the small farms of yesterday.

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