December 21, 2009

We’ve Done It! First Health Care Reform since Teddy Roosevelt.

Quite a Holyday Present—Health Care Reform passes Senate on Christmas Eve.

30 million Americans say thank you for this essential help—even if it’s an imperfect bill, it’s real progress. 50 million other Americans say “let them eat cake, health care ain’t a right!” Well, it’s better to be kind than…right.

We’ve done it! It’s an imperfect bill, but 30 million more Americans will get healthcare. You know you’ve done something right when both the progressives want more and hate the bill and the conservatives want less and hate the bill.

We’ve blogged about health care for months. Nothing could be more important—well, almost nothing—but (judging by the few clicks our blogs get on the subject, far fewer than anything with sex or nudity in the title!) this has been one issue liberals have largely abandoned Obama on, out of boredom or not-getting-it—and we wonder why we lost the public option, or funding for abortions…if Obama had been able to get it done by August, his goal, when his popularity was high…his popularity (and therefore political strength) would still be strong, and the legislation would have been far stronger, too.

This one’s for compassion. This one’s for the kind of America that believe in generosity, not stinginess. This one’s for you, Teddy!

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