January 13, 2010

Sweet Skins ecofashion: Made in the USA, Strutting at Portland Fashion Week. Video.

Looking for eco-responsible, Made in USA fashion that isn’t crunchy? Look:

Look to Sweetskins.com for the freshest in sustainable fiber fashion. Handmade in little ‘ol usa. See our schedule and complete collection at www.sweetskins.com

Via Sweet Skins’ web site:


In 2004, eco-fashion pioneer Mira Fannin started Sweet Skins Clothing in her garage in Eugene Oregon. With designs that are accessible and wearable by women of all shapes, sizes and color, the label has been picked up by green boutiques all across North America.

Growing up, Mira was always encouraged to strike out on her own. Born just outside San Francisco as one of five kids in a racially blended family, Mira’s childhood was filled with self-initiated projects and adventures. She showed an interest in sewing and clothing design; picking up the art from her mother, she started hand making dolls and their clothing. Soon she began creating her own styles, by dissecting thrift-store merchandise to her tastes. From a tender age, her family traveled throughout Southeast Asia, settling in Thailand for the majority of her childhood. This was the perfect experience for the young designer to discover a love of Asian art and the tribal design that adds a global appeal to her pieces.

After returning to the US at age 13, Mira became a hard worker, helping to hold together a broken family and honing her skills as an artist, while selling her designs anywhere she could. As she left childhood behind, the young artist became a mother herself. Mira eventually made the move to Eugene Oregon to raise her young family, and it was here she first became hip to the green movement and things began falling into place. “Sweet Skins” is the offspring of Mira’s eye for design and dedication to a healthier planet.

As she continues to evolve as an artist and the Sweet Skins line grows in size, the driving force behind Mira’s work remains an uncompromising commitment to social responsibility.  She explains, “We want to be a role model for future companies and for young people from diverse backgrounds.”

Sweet Skins is a minority women owned eco-clothing Company. Designer and mother of three, Mira Fannin started the company 5 years ago selling at the Saturday Market in Eugene Oregon. There was such a demand for the classic simplicity and wearability of the designs that the obvious choice was to keep going. Sweet Skins has grown into a business that is both ecologically sound and ethically run, using the latest and greatest in ecologically sound fibers and conscious clothing manufacturing; fabrics like eco-fleece, hemp, organic cottons and wool for their low impact processing and superior texture and quality. Dyes are low impact and everything from fabric scraps to paper products are recycled or reused. Clothing is designed and constructed in a converted garage studio sew shop by a handful of diverse women living in non-industrial Eugene Oregon. As business continues to grow, Sweet Skins is committed to maintaining strong roots to the community, the health of the planet and to pave the road for a new more conscious business model.

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