June 1, 2010

Learning to Make Friends with Ourselves: Pema Chodron video on Maitri.

Loving-kindness—for oneself…

…isn’t lovey-dovey hippie-dippie. It’s truly tough stuff, and affirmations and The Secret and money and popularity and fun won’t do it.

Pema Chodron:

Get our Maitri course here, and walk this path to making friends with yourself.

Community is there for you, if you are there for yourself. That’s the practice of maitri, which we teach in Elephant Academy. Give yourself a big sweet long hug. Be kind to yourself. Be honest with yourself. Meditate. Get outside. Get off electronics. Extend yourself to community if you’re having a hard time. Even if you don’t think you have friends, or loved ones, there are people who are ready and willing to befriend and care for you. But you have to start by making friends with yourself. 

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