August 24, 2010

“No, it’s cool, it’s not like our Ancestors Killed Them All or anything.”

A conversation about Cultural Appropriation on Reddit. 


Bonus update:

“Jeremy Lin turns ex-NBA player Kenyon Martins claims of cultural appropriation back on him in the most respectful, kindest way possible.”

Is “playing Indian” wrong?

Is there a difference between wearing Blackface and dressing up like an “Indian”? If so, what?

I say this not in an accusatory manner—I’ve been a Wonder Yearsesque 1950s boy with cowboy guns and glasses and Indian headdress with Boy Scout outfit for Halloween, before, and if I thought about it at all I likely thought I was doing some small token honor to our Native American friends, who are, to every boy, so cool.


Five thoughtful reads with a mindful perspective:

> Three Cheers for Cultural Appropriation.

> In Defense of Cultural Appropriation.

Artists’ Cultural Borrowing.


> What Distinguishes Cultural Exchange from Cultural Appropriation?

> Is Cultural Appropriation Always Wrong?


For more images and commentary worth the read, click over to the thought-provoking blog from which these were sourced.

Photo at top: Jen Mussari

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