November 21, 2010

20 Movie Cures For Your Most Problematic Predicament.

Want to watch a movie that matches your mood? Try your luck with one of these.


For a Bitter Battle of Choices: Citizen Ruth

For a Happy Cure: Juno


For Lives Worse Than Yours: Requiem for a Dream

For a Cheer-Up: Little Miss Sunshine

Common Cold?

For a Feel-Good (soon to be) Classic: Wall-E

For a Distraction: Clue


For an “At Least This Didn’t Happen”: Fatal Attraction

For the Best Break-up Ever: Breaking Upward


Fuel for the Fire: Office Space

For a Happy Ending: Bubble Boy


For Getting it All Out: Pink Flamingos

For Keeping it All In: Sideways

On a Hardcore Diet?

For Torture: Julie and Julia

For Reinforcement: Heavy Weights

Angry at the World?

For a Good Ole F-U to the Man: SLC Punk

For Revenge: American Psycho

Snowed In?

For Snuggling: Love Actually

For “At Least It’s Not This Cold”: Fargo

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKQGT8Qc8Wo&feature=related Trying to Get it On?

For Kink: Secretary

For Sexy (non-porn) Sex Positive Sex: Shortbus

For more of Krystal’s articles, check out her thoughts on open relationships, eco-friendly sex, boobs, shaving,being more queer and psychics.

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