November 6, 2010

“The only true elegance is…”


~ Chogyam Trungpa

Photos of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche at Karme Choling (click for source), a Buddhist meditation center.

An excerpt from something I wrote about Karme Choling:

I lived at Karme Choling for four point five years. First year I hated it, ’cause it’s all grass and rolling hills and dirt roads…hard to skateboard, which I was just beginning to pick up in my childhood home of Boulder, Colorado. And I didn’t know anyone, and was stuck most of everyday being the only kid punk out of 100 very serious Buddhist people with whom I shared my new home.

Karme Choling.

Second year I loved it, ’cause I knew a ton of people at my school, St. Johnsbury Academy, and had fallen in love with Vermont, its land and people both hard and soft and natural and old-fashioned and real (for better and worse).

Anyways, I miss it…

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