February 24, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar: a simple affordable everyday health tip via Katy Perry.

Katy Perry drank Apple Cider Vinegar & she liked it.

Nutritional Tip via Hanuman Festival:

Apple cider vinegar is SO GOOD for you. Benefits include reducing sinus infections and sore throat, curing skin conditions such as acne, assisting with digestion, and preventing muscle fatigue after exercise. Make sure you buy organic and “with the mother”. For a yummy beverage, add a tablespoon of ACV, some honey and 12oz of water. Or get wild and do a tablespoon shot of AVC alone!

You can fan the new Hanuman Festival—elephant’s hometown yoga & music festival—on Facebook. And, if you don’t mind, explain to me what “with the mother” means!

I like Bragg. Click here for more on them—and if you can buy glass, not plastic, it’s healthier for you and our planet. ~ ed.

For more on the benefits of apple cider vinegar to your health, here.

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