February 19, 2011

Meditation Flash Mob — Austin, Boulder, Cincinnati, San Fran, etc? ~David Telfer McConaghay

On January 30th, 2011, Black Swan Yoga organized almost 60 people to gather in and around the Texas state capitol building in Austin, performing the latest incarnation of the constantly fantastic “flash mob” concept. If you are unfamiliar with what makes a flash mob, see below:


Sort of awesome and inspiring right? Humble Boulder is no stranger to flash mobs, having played unwitting host to this “Thriller” mob on Halloween 2010.

While a meditation flash mob (MFM) is inherently a bit more serene, it is no less powerful. The stated intention of the MFM is as follows:

1. To create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation.
2. To expose people to meditation through public display of the practice.
3. To come together as a community to send positive intentions out into the world.
4. To show that leading by example is the best way to lead. Simple acts can stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking.

Observe as Austinites bathe the capitol building in Aum:


I mean, amplifying divine vibrations is precisely what that dome is designed for! Thank goodness someone is putting it to good use!

Now it is happening again.

On Sunday, February 27th, there will be coordinated MFM’s in Austin, TX; Boulder, CO; Cincinnati, OH; and San Francisco, CA; with the potential for more at any moment. Indeed, the admitted purpose of this posting is to spread the word!

Here are some relevant Facebook links:
First, the main Med.Mob group
The Austin Event
The Boulder Happening
The Cincinnati Edition
The San Francisco Group
UPDATED!!! Los Angeles!
Now:  Asheville, North Carolina
2/23/11 — Officially in Phoenix!
2/25/11 — We are now international! La Manzanilla, Mexico

Join Us!

The Big Idea is to create a cascading wave of peaceful, positive thought-power to wash across the country from East to West. In each respective time zone, meditators will gather in central locations in their city (e.g. in Austin, around the capitol building; in Boulder, on Pearl St Mall) and sit in silent meditation from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.
Then, at 1:00pm, the intent is to gather everyone together and spend 11 minutes bathing our surroundings with holy seed syllables. Om, Aum, Allah, Ah, God, Ma — take your pick! Consciously recognizing and bringing forth that which resonates within you is perhaps the most powerful act of which a human being is capable. Exercise your free will! Release your inner joy! Joyn us!

If you would like help creating your own event, there are plenty of folks ready, able and more-than-willing to assist however possible. Feel free to borrow words, images and videos to promote the happening. Let us know what you need!

There is a website in process which will eventually provide a home for various Med.Mob groups in cities around the country (world?). Ideally, this will be a monthly event.

UPDATE: Just Launched, visit MedMob.org

Where ever you are, you are enthusiastically invited to participate in this gentle shifting of mass consciousness. So don’t just do something; sit there!

Worldwide: metamorphosize.


David Telfer McConaghay was born on planet Earth. Since that fateful first day of Spring in ’86, he has wandered across its surface in search of something which, when found, kindly insists that he continue searching. His immediate family lives in Minneapolis, MN, though he also feels at home in Washington D.C.; Grass Valley, CA; Bogotá, Colombia; and now, almost Boulder, CO. He completed his B.A. in English & Creative Writing at The George Washington University in 2008. The Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm (Vrindavan of the West) is the primary source of any yogic inspiration David aka Sri Nivasa may express. He plays on Facebook HERE.

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