April 22, 2011

Help me write a novella this weekend: comment with details, cliches, ideas re “Eco Boy vs. Yoga Girl.”

I’m writing a eco yoga satire novella this weekend. Help me out?

This weekend, I’m going to work all weekend as per usual on elephant—but I’m also going to do my absolute best to do nothing but write a short novella that will do two things:

1. depict the Buddhist, green/eco & yoga communities I’ve grown up in and worked in my whole life

2. make fun of us

Eco boy

…I have a handle on, pretty well. He’ll be half hipster, half hippie, all human. If you ride your bike, drink fair-trade coffee, garden, buy local and support independent, if you’re passionate politically as an activist: he’s your man. My weak points: I’ve never lived among hipsters, haven’t spent much time in Williamsburg or Portland or Seattle or Silver Lake, and am not that stylee or cool. So if you have details about things he should/shouldn’t be into or do or love or know about…please comment below?

Yoga girl…

…is in some ways harder for me: I’m not a woman. She’ll be affluent, pseudo-spiritual, conservative yet strongly, deeply feminine. She’ll be the type who flies about doing teacher trainings without ever intending to serve as a yoga teacher. She won’t be particularly political. Any details/suggestions you have, please add them below.

I first had the idea of writing a simple, sexy evocation/send-up of our world a few years back. With Hanuman and Wanderlust festivals (etc) this summer, it’s time. I’ll be done with it in a week two years, and Pam Uhlenkamp, my ol’designer of elephant magazine for years, has agreed to put it together. It’ll be self-published, available for sale on elephant, and printed in USA on eco-paper (of course).

One note: while this teeny book will deal in clichés and types, it won’t rest upon them: it’ll be a good part of my experience and the yoga girl will be based on two good friends of mine (neither of whom I ever dated) who I grew up with in the Buddhist community and are well-off and wonderful.



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