May 9, 2011

CBS Reports: Happiest Town in the US ft. Dave Query, Sean Maher. {CBS video}

The Pursuit of Happiness in the United States.

What makes for a happy society? Real food, some sunshine, walkable/bikeable, affordable housing, resilient economy, access to Nature and education, low crime, high tolerance, active citizens…what else?  ~ ed.

“[Boulder is] mainlining the vibe of well-being.” ~ CBS News.

Maybe Boulder’s liberal eco-responsible active foodie well-educated types have the right idea, after all.

Boulder, Colorado, my and elephant’s hometown, wins lots of awards.

Recently, we were named Gallup Poll’s Happiest Town in America. And it’s true. It’s a happy place. 300 days of sunshine a year. Foodiest town in the US (Gourmet)—meaning local, organic, artisanal cooking by some of the best. A great farmers’ market. You can bike everywhere, and let the car rust (or sell it, as I did, some years ago). 33% of families own a dog—it’s dog heaven. But this is no Stepford Wives/Desperate Housewives town—it’s a rugged, dry, real place—a place for athletes and tech entrepreneurs and students, with a cafe and/or yoga studio on every other corner.

The upside? Every morning I’m grateful to wake up here. The downside? When I travel, I always feel like I’m missing out.

Below, CBS reports on what differentiates Boulder from, say, Huntington,  West Virginia (which some will know from Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution TV show).

Dave Query:

“I lived in San Francisco, lived in Miami, New York City, Chicago, and I just think that this community—for me and what I wanted to do—it just fit.”


May 8, 2011 7:13 AM

Sunday Morning correspondent Jim Axelrod’s new book “In The Long Run” took him across the country to two very different communities to find out what beckons us to the pursuit of happiness.

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7365364n&tag=related;photovideo#ixzz1LpblJ7ob

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