July 29, 2011

Video: Millions of songbirds in danger. Oh, & your drinking water.

Photo: grays images

In Canada’s boreal forest, the Peace-Athabasca Delta is a haven for millions of migratory birds—a vast nesting ground for millions of America’s backyard songbirds. It’s no place for even more tar sands development, which is already poisoning the boreal forest’s rivers and lakes.


Tar sands development has been called the “most destructive project on earth” because of the excessive global warming pollution it produces and the way its toxic mining operations devastate the boreal forest and wetlands that serve as breeding grounds for migratory birds. If this destruction continues at the projected rate, as many as 166 million birds, including future generations, could be permanently lost.

Don’t mind life without the sound of singing birds?

You might find the threat to millions of Americans’ drinking water concerning.

Your Voice Counts.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the U.S. State Department is rushing towards approval of this fiasco, which is designed to enrich the oil giants. Please send a message telling Secretary Clinton to reject this disaster in the making. Send a message telling Secretary Clinton to say No to the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Click here.

* Originally published on I Count for myEARTH.

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