July 14, 2011

What Do Einstein and the Ancient Yoga Sages Have in Common? ~ Ketna and Raj Shah

Our lives are busy. We find ourselves in the midst of a constant churn of thoughts, feelings, and actions. Either we are doing, or we are thinking, or we are feeling, and we have little time for anything else. In the midst of all this hyperactivity should we not first pause and ask ourselves some very basic questions?

It is as if we are in a supermarket running around with a list of things to buy. But we have no idea why we are buying what we are buying and on whose orders we are doing the shopping. If we pause and ask these basic questions our shopping list and our priorities may change.

Many thousands of years ago a young man called Svetaketu returned home, very proud of his knowledge. His father then took him aside and forced him to confront these very basic questions. This small little pause change Svetaketu’s life and it may change your life too. That is why this story has been preserved for thousands of years. Now for the first time this story is being presented as a quick video presentation by MyLifeYoga.

“Who Am I?” is the creation of Ketna and Raj Shah. Ketna is a yoga teacher, a yoga therapist, and a gourmet cook. Raj works for a fortune 500 firm in the IT department. To learn more about their yoga story visit MyLifeYoga.com or this Facebook page.

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