August 29, 2011

It’s Showtime. Please Start Talking All At Once! (Gita Talk 2)

OK, sports fans, the game is on. This is our first weekly discussion of Mitchell’s Bhagavad Gita. This week we’re talking about the Introduction, which goes through p. 35 (with ten pages of very interesting notes, pages 199-210.)

Before I forget, the reading for next Monday is Chapters 1 and 2, pages 41-60.

The best thing that can happen is if you all jump right into the game, instead of watching from the sidelines. I know we’ll have a great discussion if you:

–Tell us what’s on your mind.
–Ask us the questions you were asking yourself as you were reading the Introduction.
And especially, read other readers comments and reply with your questions, disagreements, or comments.

I like to respond to as many questions as I can myself, but the more help I get the better.

Don’t be shy! There are no wrong questions. And the Elephant crowd is noted for its warmth and civility in handling even the most controversial issues. We have a wide variety of experience in this group, from many first time readers to veteran devotees and everything in between. We all have something to offer each other.

If you don’t have anything particular in mind, then think about these issues and give me your thoughts:

1) How did the Introduction make you feel about reading the Gita?

2) How did it compare to your expectations going in?

3) If you have read other versions of the Gita, how does Mitchell’s vision in his Introduction compare?

4) Are there any questions you’d like to ask?

Helpful Hints

Elephant has a excellent discussion system. If you haven’t been here before, I think you’ll find it very intuitive. Some hints:

–When you post a comment, make sure you subscribe to “All new comments” in the pull down menu at the bottom of the comment box. (Otherwise you’ll just receive e-mails when people reply to your comment.)
–You can post ad hoc each time, or you can register with “Intense Debate”, which will allow you to show your avatar, profile, and keep a history of all your comments.
–This system allows replies to replies and keeps good track of them in an easy-to-read and intuitive way.
Replies get hidden automatically as comment volume grows. You need to click on “Replies” at the bottom of each comment to see them.

If a particular issue gets particularly big or hard to follow , I may open subsidiary blogs to help focus our attention.

I prefer to keep the substantive Gita discussion here on Elephant Journal. But we can also communicate on our Facebook site and on #GitaTalk on Twitter.

Again, the reading for next Monday is Chapters 1 and 2, pages 41-60.

Please be sure to let me know if I can help you in any way.  You are always welcome to contact me directly at [email protected].

–Falling Head-Over-Heels In Love with the Universe. (Gita Talk 1)
–Ten (mostly funny) reasons to read the Bhagavad Gita.

–Gita in a Nutshell: Big Ideas & Best Quotations

–The Original Sixteen Session Gita Talk

–Yoga Demystified (free eBook)

Join Gita Talk Facebook Group for weekly notices
and to meet fellow participants.

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Bob Weisenberg  |  Contribution: 120,600