September 18, 2011

Ben Harper’s philosophy on Smoking Pot.

“Who says stoners, marijuana politics, basic human decency and art are different, separated institutions?”

Listen to the lyrics: Burn one down:

The crowd, certainly, is on board.

Let us burn one
from end to end
and pass it over
to me my friend
burn it long, we’ll burn it slow
to light me up before I go

if you don’t like my fire
then don’t come around
cause I’m gonna burn one down
yes I’m gonna burn one down

my choice is what I choose to do
and if I’m causing no harm
it shouldn’t bother you
your choice is who you choose to be
and if you’re causin’ no harm
then you’re alright with me

if you don’t like my fire
then don’t come around
cause I’m gonna burn one down
yes I’m gonna burn one down

herb the gift from the earth
and what’s from the earth
is of the greatest worth
so before you knock it try it first
you’ll see it’s a blessing
and it’s not a curse

if you don’t like my fire
then don’t come around
cause I’m gonna burn one down
yes I’m gonna burn one down

Another copy.


Whatever you think of marijuana morally or health-wise (Buddhists say it clouds the enlightened mind, for example)…putting folks in prison over it is ridiculous. Compared with the danger to self and other that cigarettes or alcohol (or driving a car, or using toxic household cleaning agents) offer, it’s harmless.

The only harm that comes out of it is related to its status as a black market, illegal good. Make it legal, tax it, imagine what you could do with those taxes. Control it, make it safer, keep it out of schools, kill gangs’ business…too bad legalizing pot is, for now, still a political death-wish.


Dazed & Confused:

Bonus, 420 Day, via my man Duzer:

For more:

Pastor says Pot at Walgreen’s – NOW!

10 Reasons to Tax, Regulate & Control Marijuana.

Dude, Where’s my Guru? 2700-year-old Marijuana used for “Spiritual Purposes?”


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