September 8, 2011

Masturbation: A Path to Enlightenment. ~ Sarah Gunnin

I met my two best friends in nursing school. We all sat at the same table. We all sat at the same table. We still hang out now, five years later. Angelina is older than me and Manda is younger.

We started doing yoga on our lunch breaks and found that yoga not only helped us stay alert the second half of the day, but also calmed our nerves and helped us do better on exams. However, try as we might, we just sometimes had moments of, “I’m gonna freak out.” Tests were weekly and grades below 86 were failing. It was a challenge.

Angelina was a single mom, bartending at an intimate Italian restaurant fulltime and going to school.

I was an ex-stripper.

Manda was 21, a hot, badass drummer, making money playing in bands and much wiser than her years.

 We all needed a new way to release energy and strengthen our light.

One morning, Manda floated in to where we were studying and sat down with a sigh and a slight smile. She had the look of an ecstatic woman.

Photo: I am drexel

“Did you get laid?” we questioned.

“Sort of,” was the reply and then she went on to reveal what had happened:

That morning her alarm clock went off at six but she couldn’t open her eyes; her heart felt heavy in her chest; her body was lead in the bed.

Then, she had a brilliant idea.

She masturbated.

Oh yeah, she did.

Manda began saying affirmations to herself in her head, over and over as she was ‘energizing’ that second chakra, so to speak.

I am Truth. I am light.

As the energy increased, she kept saying the mantras and at the climax, she allowed ‘love energy’ for herself to wash over her body and strengthen her in truth and light.

Photo: vaXzine

We were captivated listening to her.  She felt energized all day and of course, aced the micro test. She even got into a headstand for the first time during lunch break.

In her book, Anatomy of the Spirit, Caroline Myss says:  

“Sexual eroticism is a form of physical and emotional liberation as well as spiritual liberation. Erotic pleasure is, by nature, ‘in the moment,’ an encounter in which we drop most of our physical boundaries in order to enjoy the full measure of human contact.”

 Continuing, she says: “Kundalini spiritual practice directs the sexual energy to rise up the spine and culminate in a spiritual union with the Divine.”

We thought it was a great idea and all practiced increasing our energy that very night.

The more love we have for ourselves, the better able we are able to love others without judgment. Loving our bodies and connecting with the energy that is created and released during orgasm is union with the divine light.

During orgasm let love and strength for yourself in and out with each pulsing of your heart. Start making love.



Sarah Gunnin found yoga through her passion of dance and ballet. She has been practicing yoga for 11 years. She got her certification to teach yoga in 2006 through the AFAA. Sarah completed her Yoga Therapy certification through Asheville Yoga Center in May of 2011. She currently teaches yoga classes at the Wellness Center, ETSU, and is the co-creator of Manifest Collective. She is a practicing nurse, proud mother, and wife to her family. She believes that yoga heals all and she wants to share her passion with the world to help heal the hearts of everyone, everywhere!

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Image: Sarah Diniz Outeiro / Unsplash