September 30, 2011

Why do you love organic?

Why Do You Love Organic? ~ Rudi’s Organic Bakery & elephantjournal.com team up at Green Streets, Boulder CO.

Rudi’s Organic Bakery breads are made without the use of synthetic pesticides, artificial ingredients, preservatives, or genetically modified organisms! This is R reason why we love and believe in organic!

And it’s why elephant decided to team up with Rudi’s and ask the citizens of Boulder (and tourists) why do you love Organic?

On Sunday September 18, 2011, Boulder celebrated living green, buying organic, and supporting local businesses at Boulder Green Streets!

So, in the spirit of the event we decided to ask the people of Boulder, “why do you love organic?” This is what they had to say:

I love to eat Organic because…

-Because I am an organic life form.
-Because I eat organic life forms, duh.
-It is free from pesticides and hormones.
-It is yummy in my tummy!
-It tastes better.
-Healthy! No chemicals!
-Because I love life!!
-Appreciate your food; respect your world.
-It just makes sense.
-It is better for you.
-Organic is natural.
-Because it promotes sustainable farming.
-It is simple and good.
-Chemicals are bad.
-It feels good!
-It’s the right thing to do!
-Chemistry was my least favorite class.
-Organic is healthier for farm workers and their families.
-It’s more delicious!
-To all the lazy farmers and money makers-Stop poisoning the kids and people with chemicals!

 I Love to Support Organics because…

-Because that’s how God made food!
-It’s delicious.
-Explosion of goodness in your mouth!
-It taste good.
-It’s hearty.
-Keeps us healthy and saves trips to the doctor!
-Saves soil for our children!
-Better for you.
-Improves life.
-Enriching Food.
-It’s humane.
-It’s saves the earth and mountains.
-For my health!
-To be a better grandma!
-It is sooo delicious!
-It is good tasting and great for all.

I Buy Organic because…

-Live well and happy!
-Better Sex.
-Tastes good, good for you!
-The bread is fantastic.
-It’s what humans were meant to eat.
-Only good stuff!
-For the goodness of the earth for generations to come!
-‘Cause it’s real.
-No one should eat pesticides!
-It’s healthy.
-Pesticides make food disgusting.
-Staying true to the food.
-Because my body loves it.
-I love to eat as close to mother earth as possible!
-No one should have to apply chemical pesticides that are toxic to their heath.
-Tastes better!
-It tastes so good and is good for the planet!
-Good for the earth.
-Nice to the land.
-It’s good!
-It’s in style.
-It’s the best for mother earth!
-It’s the way it’s always been!
-Freedom from non-organic=Love.
-It’s organic, don’t panic!

I Choose Organic because…

-Good for the soul.
-Tastes better.
-Good for you!
-To live a better life!
-Tis the only true way.
-It’s amazing!
-It’s not fake.
-Better for me, the planet and the farmers producing the food!
-I feel a little safer giving it to my daughter…
-It helps me support local farmers and I get all the right nutrition without pesticides and I am lucky to have so many u-pick farms in my area!
-Pure goodness! Real food, as the Creator intended!

-Tastes better! And it is better for everyone!
-I support the farmers!
-What’s not to love?!
-Clean food is better than dirty food!
-Because, I know what I’m eating.
-It’s the way food was meant to be. Period.
-It’s healthy for my son who was diagnosed with autism…with the proper organic diet and a great doctor and support from our county he is doing so much better.
-I think it tastes different and I don’t worry about having to wash things.

Why do you buy Organic? Rudi’s believes in Organics and you should to! Learn more about why R breads R baked on the bright side and resources for Organic information at www.rudisorganicbakery.com.

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