October 2, 2011

Loneliness provides space for Love.

A Buddhist view of Love.

The key to falling in love is openness. Openness can feel like the cool breeze of loneliness:

Chögyam Trungpa: You can’t fall in love unless you’re lonely.


I don’t think anybody can fall in love unless they feel lonely.

People can’t fall in love unless they know they are lonely and are separate individuals: if by some strange misunderstanding, you thought you were the other person already, then there would be no one for you to fall in love with. The whole idea of union is that of two being together. One and one together makes union. In love it is the desolateness that inspires the warmth. The more you feel a sense of desolation, the more warmth you feel at the same time. You can’t feel the warmth of a house unless it’s cold outside. From “Loneliness” pages 139-140 of THE PATH IS THE GOAL. Pema Chodron, on uncertainty: Lodro Rinzler: ~ For more:

The Buddhist Notion of Love.

Lonely? Don’t fill the space. Breathe the cold, sweet air in deeply.

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